Monday, March 1, 2010

Why Not Display My Real Name?

I just created this blog some minutes ago and I want to share what I realized while doing so.

As you may have guessed I decided not to display my real name nor did I use my usual e-mail address. And I think most of the bloggers did the same.

Why? First, though I wanted to share my inner thoughts with everyone by blogging, at the back of my mind, I keep thinking that I want you to know the "real," "inner" me but I don't want you to know my identity. Fear of exposure and criticism? Or maybe I just want to conceal something, to hold on to something private that only a few knows.

So, with Balintataw Fuss, though I want to write what I think and feel freely, I'm still wearing a mask by assuming a different name. In reality, it's still difficult to be "yourself."

Pen names, user names are used to mask our identities. Funny thing is humans hide their feelings but when they do release them, they hide their names.

BTW, It's the same with wearing glasses for when I wear a pair (everyday), I try to block everyone from looking right through the windows of my soul. Lenses shield me from those prying eyes while pseudo names protect my peace my mind.

Sakim pa rin pala ako. I don't want to share to you the one thing I cherished for twenty years yet I don't want to share with anyone... my name.

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